Friday, October 15, 2010

Departing Barcelona Spain

Hello Everyone it is 10:30 pm here
Hope everything is okay at home.
Been a weird couple days.
Despite being sick, Spain has been my favourite port yet.
I am beyond excited for Italy!!!!
Food from home, all the clothes that I asked mommy to pack that I am missing :)
I have some school work to do, so I have to make this short.
Just wanted to tell everyone that I am okay, I am having fun, but everyday is a new adventure.
This program isn't like anything I have ever experienced, not something everyone would be able to handle.
Todd-  If i don't talk to you please be safe Love and miss you, safe flight on sunday
Mommy-  don't forget to get letters from people :)
Hint Hint love getting mail :)

okay signing off everyone
lots of love


1 comment:

  1. Glad to have our old Janer back - it is no fun when you are sick. I know you must be excited about Italy - I think Mom and Dad are excited as well. Really rainy and windy today - getting a little colder each day.

    Cookies are on the way - love you. Stay safe and write when you get a chance. Love you lots and miss you still. Grandma XX 00
